Here above is an awesome picture of the boys testing out gifts. The tote was embroidered by T! He had been working on it for the past month and just finished it yesterday. It is embroidered with a picnic scene, complete with huge bees. Today he dug through my fabric pile and unearthed a cute pink rose print which he sewed into the tote as lining.
Once the lining was in, K had to climb aboard and test out the tote to make sure it was strong enough.
Do I have the coolest husband or what?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Craft is alive and well in our home.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Too Long, too long
I have been sick for the past week. Ug. A cold, a cough, a everything. Plus the babe got another tooth and the christmas day has been creeping up. So between napping and soothing, I have been crafting, leaving little time for drawing, blogging or flickring. Boo.
But soon enough, I will really not be able to blog. Our tiny clan is going on VACATION! To the wonderful land of Kiwis! New Zealand. We will be climbing mountains! We will be riding whales! We will be farming sheep! We will be casting the one ring that rules them all into the fiery depths of mount doom!!!
But I'm sure I will post in between chirstmas day and now. Never fear.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
21 things
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
What I wore today!
So i have this little gig going... I'm trying to keep a 365 day log of my attire, mood, beverage of choice, and general happenings in my day. It's part of my "21 things I want to do before I turn 21" list. Maybe I could turn it into a book or... just improve my drawing...
but anyway, check it out on my flicker page. I may or may not be posting the drawing everyday, but I will be posting them all. So keep checking!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Goodies Galore!
As I promised, I have now posted my ornament pictures on Flicker! Here are all my little goodies hanging out together. I'm contemplating putting them up on Etsy in the future, but for now, they are going to be gifted to various members of my loving family and friends. I have even more little projects in the works, so brace yourself for things to come.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Happiness is a cozy home