Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tooting my own horn

I have had my 15 mins of internet fame, I am both pleased and joyful.
I submitted this drawing to a vegan breakfast blog I drool over daily, and they posted it, and it got 800+ note, which amuses me greatly, considering I am a total nerd and really just draw things that make me laugh. Out loud. That's what makes me a nerdy nerdy nerd nerd.
Anyway, point is, I'm stoked, you're stoked, we're all so full of stoke it's pouring out our ears and pooling in our shoes.
Keep your eyes open for more "HOW TO" comicas and a batch of lovelies from when I get back from HA-WAII in about a week and a half. (We're going over there to camp... yes... no fancy hotels and mai-tais... well there will be mai-tais, but no fancy hotels.... just waterfalls and beaches and me and my significant honey jumping off rocks. remind me to tell you about my new shoes too, when I get back.)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

knapp sacks

in yer knapp sack, originally uploaded by Shelby Bryant.

Not to jump the gun or anything, but I have a cool trade with Buck Products (and his amazing Knapp Sack). I made this comic for him, but then the wee one threw a baseball at me, which landed on my coffee cup, which was in my hand, while I was drawing this comic. THUS, a beautiful brown splash on the lower right corner, which I believe gives it character. Check out and git yer shelf yer own knappsack.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Garden time!

(galaxy watermelons)
Well, actually, garden time was like 4 months ago for us SoCal-ians. And believe me, I was there with trowel in hard, armed with packets of seeds and a mountain of determination. I'm an amature gardener, fueled by flickr pictures from the much more experienced. But, I try very hard and, this year, have succeeded. Earlier in the season, I had sugar snap peas coming out of my ears, carrots galore and beets! (I love beets!!) Now I have tomatoes, kale, broccoli, some carrots (still) and onion.

TODAY I bought some more seeds (carrots, cummin, and galaxy watermelon) and am so stoked to germinate and grow! I'm out there everyday, weeding, tending and watering. I love having soil caked on my hands, under my nails and all over my feet. And I LOVE walking out my backdoor to go grab a snack (which should be fuel enough to grow your own).

Here's where I get my seeds:

The Bear Foot Shaman

Cubits Organics

Both are awesome, independent seed people who really are excellent. So support organic, GMO-free independent growers, seed distributers and gardeners. I'm super passionate about growing and love it so much.
If anyone has any questions about gardening, feel free to ask, I love to help!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

I swear I'm not lazy

Your grandma's board bag. Except I made it, so it's cooler

The Bag (of blankets)

But in reality I am. Hence the lack of technology bummer post earlier today. Then I swear I did something. I got off my bootybutt and grabbed an ice coffee at the Pannikin, and after a brief chat with some friends and a clumsy lemon bar muching while driving my truck, I hauled my boots up to Oceanside to the Vetrans thrift store. I've been mulling the idea of making board bags out of recycled crochet'd blankets for a while now (and don't go taking my idea, becuase that makes you a crappy human) but have been too busy/ lazy to get around to it. But I did it today!!! I scored about $30 buck worth of blankets, which equals 15 blankets. They are all crazy and awesome and very very vintage. I had a go at one and made a grandma board bag for my magic fish...

IT IS AMAZING. like it worked out really really well.. Which also means all of you out there in trendy retro surf landia better scrape your pennies together and start headin over to my ETSY shop in the next few day, cuz these bad boys be goin on SALLLEEEE. No really. you all should get really really excited to see what's coming out of the Habit 3 household.

Scanner broke.

mini and I, originally uploaded by Shelby Bryant.

All my technology fails, mostly when i need it. Like my computer at the begining of the semester, my scanner last week, my few phones I went through this year. Luckyl, we are super luck and the universe lets up find used, reliable stuff once in a while.

Also, my boys have been gone this week. I miss them a lot. other than that, not much news.
I have a bunch of comics to show off, but with the scanner down, boohoo.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I made a hat

I made a hat, originally uploaded by Shelby Bryant.

i love to sew, and when I get a few extra minutes in my day, I like to whip up a little somethin. Think i need some more blank hats though....
I will for sure be rockin this one, or k bear might be rockin it too.

Monday, April 11, 2011


tyler, originally uploaded by Shelby Bryant.

my little (big) brother got asked to crew on a wooden tall ship last week. So off he went. Sunday he rode in the back campershell of a pickup all the way up to some port in oregon. Dude. may youre life be salty and adventure filled. and may you always have home tucked someplace in that backpack with all you own.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

oh hi

oh hi, originally uploaded by Shelby Bryant.

more fish themed things


fishing, originally uploaded by Shelby Bryant.

It's been a while since I put pen to paper in a drawig sense. With the amount of school I'm currently in, it's been nearly impossible to make some art-ing time. but tada! I made some time this week and apparently only made things that have to do with fish.... It's cool though, fish are pretty neat.

Friday, January 14, 2011


The First 3 people to comment on one of my Block Print pictures on Flickr win the print of which they commented on.
Leave a comment with why you chose the print and your email, and don't forget to become a HABIT 3 Blog follower!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Printing in the sun!

, originally uploaded by yarnandtea.

printing in the sun!


Today was the perfect day to bust out the ink and make some prints. Only a few turned out "perfect". With the "mess ups" I went crazy and some turned out way better than the "perfect" ones.
Naturally, all are available for trade or purchase ($20 per print)! Just email me and ask!

Monday, January 10, 2011

stamp making

stamp making, originally uploaded by yarnandtea.


Making stamps for prints.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back in the swing

jan 3, originally uploaded by yarnandtea.

I am drawing again! YAY! it's been a while since I put pen to paper, but I'm going to be trying to the the daily "What I Wore" drawing for this year. We'll see if I can do it, but i will try!
I'm also trying to practice different styles, seeing what fits and what I like. I'm also playing with a little mix media, which I will be showing off soon (if it turns out well)
Oh, P.S. I'm learning to play "Big Rock Candy Mountain" on the ukulele. Which.... is going slowly. Baby K keeps grabbing my uk and saying "Mommy, no, shhhh....." meaning "mommy please, you're not so good".
Aw.... boo.