Thursday, December 30, 2010
Dreaming of Summer
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
This and That
I know it's been a few months since my last post, but between school, work and family, it's been hard to post anything (let alone be creative), but school is out and I have a current break from work, so here it is!
This picture above is a little sample of what we did for our christmas gifts for our friends. The mugs were from World Market and I just clipped a bunch of succulents, and arranged them so! Very easy!
The other gifts we gave were some paperwhite bulbs in thrifted jars, wrapped with some hand-spun cotton or vintage buttons on hemp cord. They turned out so earthy and beautiful, a good representation of our family if you ask me.
Check out my flickr page for some more pictures of last minute knitting projects and some pictures of the jars and bulbs.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The General Economy
Friday, October 1, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Now that it's hat season... I've been making custom hats for people. Sea.tribe hats.
Want one? let me know
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I've been having a lot of fun drawing little houses lately. Just being attracted to shape, size and the use of plants (which is always wonderful).
I've been painting houses too. Those will show up soon for your viewing pleasure.
I'm attempting to take my drawings up a level to painted pieces. In an attempt to make them more marketable. I'm taking a painting class, so hopefully I can develop some skill!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Cool Happenings!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010

Thanks to my little babe's 3 hour nap, i was able to do some inked in drawings.... unfortunately my scanned in drawings came out way too light, but the originals are pretty sweet. I'm hoping to put up an etsy shop pretty soon with originals and prints and fun things with pom poms attached to them. you know.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
my jar cozy
I dislike those new stainless steel water bottles. I mean, if you're going to buy one, you might as well buy the expensive Kleen Kanteen ones, they might be a little safer. But those cheep ones I just do not trust. Too much metal flaking off and going in your water... So I use glass! Recycled glass! This is a 16 oz wide mouth jam jar. It originally held some homemade canned yellow tail tuna (gifted to the husband by a local beach walker).
Now it is my water/ tea jar, following me around and making sure I'm well hydrated through out the day. Thank you my dear jam jar, please wear this sweater so you may not break.
freshy fresh
New batch of drawings up on flickr. FINALLY.
I feel like I haven't been drawing in a really really long time. I miss it. I'm hoping to do some ink and color stuff coming up soon. Keep an eye open for fresh things popping up in the next few weeks.
Monday, May 31, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
So this is really the only watercolor I have ever done. I am not a master with water and color, it just does not work for me. But this piece has stuck a cord with a lovely lady! She is purchasing the ORIGINAL from me! It's true! High fives all around for my first official art sale!
P.S. I am going to be posting a bunch of painted/crocheted rock art up pretty soon to my Flickr. If it gets good enough response, I will open an Etsy shop for prints and original rock art pieces.
Thoughts? Ideas? An uproar for pictures of said rock loveliness? I'd love to hear it!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I love FOOD!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
trailers are rad
and i want to live in one. or at least have one to play house in. or crochet appliance covers for.
I am currently compiling drawings of dwellings for a "home" zine. I hope to have a little table in Alternative Press Expo this year! Cross your fingers!
Scrapy and Warm
Mossy Bits
This last weekend I was blessed with a little jaunt up to one of my favorite places, Santa Cruz. There I frolicked with one of my favorite people, the lovely and talented Miss Elle B. This is my drawing I did before I left.
I had an awesome, inspiring time up in those misty mountains. Thanks Elle!
what we did, originally uploaded by yarnandtea.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I like cute stuff
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
5 Things.... just for fun!
5 Things I am looking forward to:
a. Going to Santa Cruz this weekend for a few days of merriment and friends!
b. Spring and wearing shorts
c. Baby K walking. he's almost there!
d. Waking up tomorrow morning to a snuggly babe and big sloppy babe kisses
e. bike rides with our best mommy/babe friend tomorrow!
5 Things I did today:
a. took a bath
b. took two walks on the beach and collected some sweet treasures (a piece of wood shaped like a heart)
c. played with K
d. folded clothes (only to re-fold them 10 min later, thanks little K)
e. Visited T at work
5 Things I wish I could do:
a. Yoga every morning + meditation
b. surf more
c. paint more
d. finish my second curtain (or find the fabric)
e. get a few more tattoos
5 Places I'd like to travel:
a. canada
b. washington
c. south america
d. holland
e. iceland
5 Cute things I've found online lately:
oh my I cannot remember where anything came from
Saturday, February 20, 2010
siestas and olas
It's been a while since I've used rubber stamps. Especially this one. I made this one about this time last year, and, apparently, had never printed with it. So I had to take it from it's place and see how it turned out. And I must say, I liked it! I'm excited to do some card printing and maybe some little gift prints. Siestas and olas.