Tuesday, February 23, 2010

5 Things.... just for fun!

5 Things I am looking forward to:

a. Going to Santa Cruz this weekend for a few days of merriment and friends!

b. Spring and wearing shorts

c. Baby K walking. he's almost there!

d. Waking up tomorrow morning to a snuggly babe and big sloppy babe kisses

e. bike rides with our best mommy/babe friend tomorrow!

5 Things I did today:

a. took a bath

b. took two walks on the beach and collected some sweet treasures (a piece of wood shaped like a heart)

c. played with K

d. folded clothes (only to re-fold them 10 min later, thanks little K)

e. Visited T at work

5 Things I wish I could do:

a. Yoga every morning + meditation

b. surf more

c. paint more

d. finish my second curtain (or find the fabric)

e. get a few more tattoos

5 Places I'd like to travel:

a. canada

b. washington

c. south america

d. holland

e. iceland

5 Cute things I've found online lately:

oh my I cannot remember where anything came from


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