Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I love FOOD!

Our family is embarking on a new journey! Lately, I have been pretty obsessed with our food, what's in it and where it's made. We have always been healthy people who eat little meat and make most of our food, but I always thought we could do better. So, this week, I actually planned out our meals (a first for me) and bought only what i needed, plus one salty snack and one sweet snack. I did all of our veggie and fruit shopping at our local farmers market and, with the help of Vegweb.com, was able to find recipes to fit what I bought. Than, i made a list of what I sill needed and went and got that at a local health food store! Now, this may seem like common sense to some of you, but it's pretty big in our family, especially since I've been doing the cooking. THAT in our family is unheard of. Normally, I will make make maybe one meal a week and darling hubby will do the rest. But I have decided to take control and make our meals this week (and most likely every night if we keep this up).

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