Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dreaming of Summer

Oh my oh my. Every year I get to a point (and it's always right after christmas) where I am just DONE with winter. The chilly weather, the rain, and the wiggles my little one get from not being able to run off his energy outside in the sun. So I've curated a little Etsy treasury to get myself in the mood for summer.

Also, on a perky plus side. I received a UKULELE for christmas. I have been practicing daily! I started taking some youtube classes from this lady:

They're the best classes because they're geared towards little kids, which means that I can understand it too. So far I have completed 3 of these lessons, so I can play 4 chords and 3 songs!
Hooray! I must say, the cheery ukulele music has made for some summer in December!

O! Other news, the Garden is in full swing this year! I have most seeds planted for spring, beets, beans, carrots, tomatoes (they came up on their own), broccoli, cabbage, and the ever present kale. I am also campaigning for some raised beds outside our front door for a lettuce patch and a medicinal herb garden (any ideas for this would be greatly appreciated).
This is our garden! Yes, it is in an old pool. Yes our backyard looks like a bomb went off, but it's all good.

The Kale plants that have been growing for a year now
The Rainbow Chard that comes up regardless of what we do (anyone want some chard?)

Beans and cabbage, carrots and beets, all planted in our healthy dirt!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This and That

succulents , originally uploaded by yarnandtea.

I know it's been a few months since my last post, but between school, work and family, it's been hard to post anything (let alone be creative), but school is out and I have a current break from work, so here it is!
This picture above is a little sample of what we did for our christmas gifts for our friends. The mugs were from World Market and I just clipped a bunch of succulents, and arranged them so! Very easy!
The other gifts we gave were some paperwhite bulbs in thrifted jars, wrapped with some hand-spun cotton or vintage buttons on hemp cord. They turned out so earthy and beautiful, a good representation of our family if you ask me.
Check out my flickr page for some more pictures of last minute knitting projects and some pictures of the jars and bulbs.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!