Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I also make cool hats, originally uploaded by yarnandtea.

One of the hats.
A beanie with a brim.


hand carved stamps, originally uploaded by yarnandtea.

Now that it's hat season... I've been making custom hats for people. Sea.tribe hats.
Want one? let me know

Thursday, September 23, 2010


homes, originally uploaded by yarnandtea.

I've been having a lot of fun drawing little houses lately. Just being attracted to shape, size and the use of plants (which is always wonderful).
I've been painting houses too. Those will show up soon for your viewing pleasure.
I'm attempting to take my drawings up a level to painted pieces. In an attempt to make them more marketable. I'm taking a painting class, so hopefully I can develop some skill!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Cool Happenings!

Hello, I know, I know it's been a heck of a long time since I've posted anything. But I thought I might just put some fun stuff up.
A while back I got asked if a girl could use one of my drawings in a zine. The zine is called Elenore Zine and it's a cute little fashion/art zine.
Here's a screen shot of my page!

And on the subject's of Zines... There is an awesome independent press convention in San Francisco every year called APE. The lovely Miss Elle B has procured a table for us this year and I believe that she and I will have quite an array of little zines, tiny books and most likely tons of stickers. It will be October 16th - 17th, so if you happen to be in the SF area, stop by and oggle nerds drawing pictures of weirdly normal things, and things that are not normal.
We love comic nerds.