Wednesday, February 10, 2010

no more mud!

Mud has been a huge thing for us these past few months. We live in a tiny home who's front door opens straight down into mud! Over summer, i was able to cut down our tracking in dirt by getting a door mat, but that only covered part of our problem. In the winter, we had a lovely river flowing right in front of our door!
Due to T's fantastic job, patrolling the beaches, and the fact that the el nino storms have uncovered brick patios that have been buried under stand for over 20 year, we have collected about a hundred old, worn bricks. He spend a better part of last friday, in the drizzle, laying out our bricks in front of our door. And now... way less mud gets tracked in, and I have a BEAUTIFUL little patio!
My lovely T even arranged my plants and bean sprouts, lovingly on the bricks, out of the way of our little river. Can you spot the pumpkin that has been there since september. How it has not rotted away, I will never know.

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